[ka(:)risma] concept
Rad Air Snowboard Tanker Japan Edition 201 Team Edition - [ka(:)rısma] showroom & concept store

inkl. MwSt.

inkl. MwSt.

Rad Air Snowboard Tanker Japan Edition 201 Team Edition

Tanker 201 Team Edition

While the Tanker 201 is the premier RAD AIR flagship, the Tanker 201 Team Edition is your favorite rock album with the volume cranked to 11! Stiffened with an extra layer of premium materials for maximum response, this is not a board made for the weak of heart. It requires complete commitment from the riders that choose it because it has no equal and will take you to the limits of your abilities. If you are a hard charging freeride fanatic looking for the ultimate ride, the Tanker 201 Team Edition is your weapon of choice for all mountain madness. Rock till you drop and Ride On!



Our vision and inspiration is focused on providing high performance, lightweight and easy to ride longboards that enable riders to enjoy all aspects of snowboarding and embrace the fact that the winner, at the end of any day on the mountain, is the rider with the biggest smile on their face!

Are you searching for endless powder days? If there is no powder, do you long for the feel of the turn on fresh corduroy groomers?

If your answer is a clear YES, then you understand why we have set our main focus on longboards because against popular belief – size does matter, and this is the source of the soul that drives the Legendary RAD-AIR TANKER line of longboards.

Size matters. Style is such an individual element and to define it is almost impossible. That difficult description also applies when defining the intended use of our shapes. Individual variables like riders weight, level of riding experience, desired riding terrain, all factor in to what board will suit your riding style. We have seen big aggressive riders having a blast on the 171, the shortest board in the lineup, as well as master class riders below 70 kg ripping soul turns on the 201 Your board choice becomes more a combination of your riding skills and your favorite terrain & snow conditions. But most importantly – forget the mass market industry approach of choosing your board size by holding it to your nose and thats how long it has to be.
